KON Token said to be a utility Token. Providing the world easiest access to the crypto community is the major aim of Konios. Konios is making it easy for people to access all crypto community and asset with just a phone and internet connection. Konios is reducing the process of disclosing personal data, going through the hectic stress of registering as well as easy access and understanding to a layman. Konios also wants to eliminate the high fees either visible or hidden between financial institutions.
Konios is ready to eliminate the banks by using the F2F (face to face) exchange principle developed in Switzerland where users can exchange with other users on the platform. Also, the platform will be rewarding active users of the system.
With the Konios platform, there will be bringing a lot of users into the crypto community. The process of decentralization allows transparency among users. Bringing a lot of users into the cryptocurrency world is to allow easy transfers of cryptos from one person to another without a bank. Also enabling transfers and payment methods for goods.
The application enables easy exchange of fiat to any cryptocurrency of their choice by showing a list of sellers to the buyer on the platform as well their distance not withholding the exact position an description of the seller from the buyer. The cash is handed over to the seller by the buyer and it is confirmed by the both parties
###MAbout the Coin
NAME: Konios Token SYMBOL: KON PRICE:$0.01 MAX: 5 billion
1st Lot 2’000’000’000 KON 2nd Lot 600’000’000 KON 3rd Lot 300’000’000 KON
BONUS Number of Token
1st Lot 35%: 700’000’000 KON
2nd Lot 20%: 120’000’000 KON
3rd Lot 10%: 30’000’000 KON
ICO DATE START: May 1, 2018 DURATION: 60 Days JOIN AT Website: ico.konios.com TOTAL TOKEN IN THE ICO: 3’750’000’000 KON PREMATURE END: Yes, upon reaching USD 29 Mio (Hardcap)
ACTIVATION DATE OF THE TOKEN: Independence Day of Switzerland
2017 January Founders formulate the idea of the Konios platform
2017 March The solution for the exchange principle Face-2-Face is developed
2017 July New team members join the project
2017 September Start Whitepaper
2017 October Start Website Development
2017 November Strong Support by the Advisors
2017 December Start Platform Development until November 2018
2018 January Completion of whitepaper and inclusion of the last team member
2018 March Presale
2018 April Start Airdrop and Ads Bounty
2018 May Start ICO
2018 July Konios Platform APP Test-Release
2018 November Launch Beta Version Konios Platform Start Reward system Advertising activities
2018 December Announcement Konios Platform
2019 February Completion of Beta Version Konios Trading
2019 March Advertising activities
2019 April Announcement Konios Trading
2019 September Integration & migration of the Konios platform into the Konios Blockchain
Halo, Saya ingin memperkenalkan Anda kepada proyek platform VoxelX BETA dalam artikel baru ini. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, pergilah ke diskusi berikut:
Pembelajaran multi-disiplin adalah salah satu tugas yang paling menantang dalam pendidikan kedokteran pascasarjana dan pascasarjana. Dan karena jumlah informasi di bidang medis meningkat secara dramatis, ada peningkatan permintaan untuk jenis pembelajaran ini.
Misi VoxelX adalah merevolusionerkan pembelajaran multidisiplin dengan membuat platform DICOM online untuk simulasi pembelajaran medis. Tim VoxelX adalah salah satu dari beberapa tim untuk menerapkan gambar DICOM di bidang e-learning medis di bidang radiasi sejak 2013.
Versi beta dari platform DICOM tersedia di www. Vortex. com akan diadakan di Chicago, AS pada pertemuan tahunan RSNA (American North American Radiation Association) pada bulan Desember 2016. Konten platform ini berbasis komunitas, sehingga semua anggota dapat berbagi pengetahuan dan praktik pra-verifikasi mereka secara pribadi atau publik. Jadi menjalankan platform ini sebagai rantai blok akan menciptakan insentif untuk mendorong ahli radiologi sebagai penerbit dan validator untuk memonetisasi komunitas online dan membangun serta memperluas komunitas platform.
Berkat token Ethereum ERC-20, kami dapat merancang algoritma kompensasi yang akan membayar ahli radiologi setiap kali kami mengirimkan dan memperbarui konten dan gambar platform. VoxelX akan merilis token yang disebut GREY, yang terutama digunakan untuk membuat konten DICOM-Platform.
DICOM (digital imaging medis dan komunikasi) untuk penyimpanan gambar medis dan transmisi, yang memungkinkan integrasi perangkat pencitraan medis, seperti produsen scanner, server, workstation, printer, dan perangkat keras jaringan dan PACS (Picture Archiving dan Sistem Komunikasi) berbagai Itu standar. Telah banyak diadopsi di rumah sakit dan memasuki aplikasi skala kecil seperti dokter gigi dan kantor dokter. Memindahkan DICOM ke Web Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk secara dinamis mengekstrak, mengedit, dan menampilkan pengetahuan komprehensif tentang semua anatomi atau patologi yang ditampilkan dalam gambar DICOM. Memberikan informasi tentang alat DICOM berbasis web online.
Dengan langsung mengintegrasikan struktur gambar dengan sumber daya online yang berbeda, Anda dapat secara efektif mengurangi waktu dan upaya yang diperlukan untuk menemukan informasi yang Anda butuhkan. Sambil menggulir melalui gambar DICOM, alat ini memungkinkan peserta didik untuk memiliki akses penuh ke sumber daya dengan mengklik sekali pada sumber daya di database atau sumber daya eksternal lainnya, atau dengan menyentuh struktur tertentu.
Platform DICOM Online
Platform DICOM kami diciptakan untuk mensimulasikan pembelajaran radiologi. Ini murni interaktif dan mendidik. Salah satu fitur utama adalah kemampuan untuk membubuhi keterangan struktur dan patologi gambar DICOM dan tautan langsung ke semua materi pengetahuan yang tersedia di web. Menerapkan rantai blok pada platform ini. Untuk mendidik pengguna untuk membuat file mereka sendiri untuk digunakan lebih lanjut atau pengajaran, berbagai fitur pengenalan otomatis seperti mengenali struktur anatomi yang sama di seluruh rangkaian dan menghubungkan dengan pengetahuan yang sesuai akan membantu. Fitur lain seperti jejaring sosial antara pengguna, mode presentasi kuliah, mode tablet dan perangkat seluler, fungsi multi-touch, diskusi kasus online, dan sistem catatan singkat telah diimplementasikan dalam alat.
VoxelX Tools Platform VoxelX memiliki banyak alat yang memungkinkan pelajar medis dan ahli radiologi untuk dengan mudah berinteraksi dengan gambar DICOM. Di antara alat-alat ini adalah alat gambar inovatif yang menghubungkan struktur dan penyakit dengan gambar dan mengasosiasikannya dengan semua materi pengetahuan yang diakui di Web.
Dompet VoxelX
Semua pengguna terdaftar VoxelX membuat dompet dan menautkannya ke akun mereka. Tidak seperti dompet dekripsi tradisional yang digunakan di pasar, dompet VoxelX akan dikaitkan dengan sistem peringkat platform, dan semakin banyak Anda berkontribusi pada platform, semakin tinggi warna abu-abu yang Anda dapatkan. Komunitas VoxelX Komunitas VoxelX adalah modal kami yang sebenarnya. Kita dapat berbagi komunitas berdasarkan minat pada peserta didik, penerbit, dan validator. Semua dari mereka dapat berinteraksi satu sama lain baik secara publik maupun pribadi.
Penjualan token abu-abu
Total pasokan token VoxelX GREY adalah (10 miliar). Jumlah token awal tumbuh untuk menetapkan harga yang sesuai untuk pembayaran kecil yang terjadi di platform. Semua token abu-abu dihasilkan dari blok benih dan didistribusikan sebagai berikut:
Penjualan Token
45% token abu-abu dijual sebagai penjualan token Abu pertama. Penjualan Token terdiri dari ICO pra-sejarah dan penawaran umum untuk investor strategis dan investor awal. Token yang dijual secara pribadi dan digunakan ICO putaran didiskon, tetapi pembatasan tertentu berlaku.
Aktifkan proposal Anda
Peta jalan
Kelahiran ide VoxelX 2013
2014-2015 Pengembangan Platform Awal
Desember 2016 RSNA Meluncurkan Versi Beta dari VoxelX Platform di Chicago
Publikasi platform Q1-Q2> 100 tahun 2017
2013 Fitur Komunitas Q3-Q4 Diluncurkan
2018 Q1 VoxelX platform dan integrasi rantai blok
2018 Q2 Grey token penjualan pribadi dan publik
2018 Q3 Lebih banyak pengembang dipekerjakan untuk evolusi VoxelX
Peluncuran pameran pameran Chicago + RSNA 2018 Q4
Rilis Beta 2019 Q1 + rilis resmi VoxelX
2019 Q2 Memulai pengembangan versi seluler dari platfrom VoxelX
global ecosystem analyst based on artificial intelligence. Personal ecosystem to diagnose the human body in real time
Health is one of the main factors affecting the quality of human life and the participation of its workforce. However, in recent years, the world’s situation on many diseases has worsened, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and more.
This is illustrated by World Health Organization reports. Experts claim that there are many factors that affect the health of the world’s population: among them are environmental damage, increased stress levels, worsening of nutritional situation due to too much sugar, hormones and chemical components used in the product. Prophylaxis and prevention of illness in the future is a much cheaper and effective way to maintain health and prolong life, rather than cure disease. However, it is not always a predictable disease even if a person is continuously undergoing a medical examination, and most people know about an ex post facto disease attack. The lack of accurate predictions makes treatment more complicated and more expensive, and often even makes full recovery impossible. Result of,
The situation in this area can be substantially improved by a combination of drugs and artificial intelligence in a syncretic mixture. The modern selflearning system makes it possible to conduct a real-time comprehensive diagnosis of organisms with high accuracy, to identify previously unknown patterns between indicators of human organism activity and morbidity risk, to warn about the possible state of acute chronic illness. Implementing artificial intelligence will allow people to manage their health strategically. Because with credible knowledge about the risks a person will be able to take the necessary steps to prophylaxis the disease. That is precisely the mission to be met Hi Health.
What is Hi: Health?
Hi: Health is a global ecosystem analyst based on artificial intelligence. Personal ecosystem to diagnose the human body in real time.
Applying medical reports to a large number of patients, as well as indicators of health control tools, we teach artificial intelligence to ensure early diagnosis of different diseases and to determine unidentified causal relationships between organ function and body system and disease outbreaks. AI will be able to analyze a few deviations, which humans can not take note of, and also to get more accurate survey results (eg, electrocardiogram) generated from cleaning the device from noise. Also with Al’s help it would be possible to monitor the effectiveness of treating in real time and correct doctor prescription.
The problem is in the field of medicine
Only in the United States and the EU, hundreds of thousands of patients die every year because of a doctor’s diagnostic error. The economic costs associated with complications encountered in prescribed wrongful drugs are over $ 100 billion per year.
The main reasons for misdiagnosis are as follows:
Doctors specialize in certain organs or organism systems and often can not see the whole picture;
Lack of experience and physician problems in knowledge often lead to situations, when rare diseases can not be identified;
The lack of time that doctors have to analyze medical history, the reason is the high doctor’s workload (appointment with the patient) as well as the documentation takes a lot of time;
Complexity in the definition of disease according to X-ray, CT, MRI studies, histologic examination during non-standard types of disease, and also high dependence on subjective experience by an expert.
Based on the artificial intelligence of neural networks it will be possible to make a large number of differences in the field of medical diagnosis.
How does it work?
Platform options Opportunities for someone:
Downloading personal medical data
Safe and anonymous medical data storage
Appreciate in the form of getting tokens (tokens allow extending application functionality, buying health and life insurance)
Anonymous sales of your data for platform tokens
Analyze data using artificial intelligence to diagnose disease at an early stage
Purchase and connect tested devices (gadgets) for the diagnosis of organisms in an express manner
Make an appointment to undergo a medical examination
Seek and buy proven medications
Ability of artificial intelligence when using algorithms to analyze IR radiation
The AI algorithm analyzes the data obtained, based on the experience of thousands of physicians worldwide and millions of studies, determining the slightest correlation between changes in gadgets and human test results.
Identify patterns and sources of disease
Artificial Intelligence makes recommendations for lifestyle management based on the likelihood of disease occurrence
Create individual care and nutrition plans
Controlling the consumption of drugs
Keep track of the maintenance process
Tracker for Rocketbody real-time data collection
Body temperature
Rhythm of breath
Level of physical activity
Levels of alcohol in the blood
Levels of hemoglobin in the blood
Blood pressure
Heart rhythm
Ecosystem for doctors
Online consultation for patients
Sharing experiences with colleagues
Collaborative patient care
Monitor the truth of taking medication by the patient
Online controls the patient’s treatment process
Identify more accurate sources of disease with the help of AI
Access to neural networks for a fee.
Ecosystems for Business
The insurance company accepts a more accurate account of the possibility of an insured event. Increase their profits by minimizing the risk of paying insurance premiums. Selling health insurance through application
Pharmaceutical companies receive statistical reports on the sale of medicines, localized disease (urban) and the effects of drugs on a person. To personalize treatment, data can be obtained from a DNA database about a person’s predisposition to a particular disease according to his geographic residence.
Clinics improve methods of treatment and prevention of human diseases
Research centers and developers can use the benefits of data mining (detecting titles in the database) to get patterns. In today’s global competition, knowledge of the patterns found can provide additional benefits
What is the Mining Date?
Data Mining is the collective name for a combination of detecting technologies among previously unknown, non-trivial, interpretable data that are operationally useful and available from the knowledge needed to make decisions in different areas of human activity
Data Mining technology is a powerful tool of modern business analytics and data research to find hidden patterns and build approximate models. Data Mining is not based on speculation, but on real data.
Data mining tasks
The easiest and most common data mining tasks. In the result of completing the classification task, one can find indicators that characterize the group of objects of the studied dataset (class). According to this indicator a new object can be classified.
Methods for handling tasks
To complete a classification task one can use several methods including Nearest Neighbor, k-Nearest Neighbor, Bayesian Networks, induction of decision trees, neural networks.
Clustering is a logical follow-up to the idea of classification. This task is more complicated; the hallmark of grouping is that the object class is not predefined. The result of grouping divides objects into groups. Examples of methods for handling grouping tasks: “unattended learning”, special types of neural networks – self-governing maps of Kohonena.
July – September 2017 Studying problems in medicine and finding solutions for developing strategic maps
October-December 2017 Writing Whitepaper, developing smart contracts, creating architecture and developing prototype platforms, setting up marketing strategies.
January-April 2018 Run Pre-ICO, the pre-order RocketBody gadget, create a legal basis
May-August 2018 Launch of ICO, Issuance & HiHealth v1.0 with functions to collect (purchase) user data, partner programs with CIS clinics and laboratories,
August-January 2019 Buy medical data, process medical data, teach artificial intelligence, Buy medical data, process medical data, teach neural networks Predict the possibility of heart attack by analyzing multiple points of view (height, age, ECG / Echo reading, analysis, chronic morbidity) Diagnostic complaints common or disease based on blood chemistry symptoms and patients.
February-July 2019 Launch and publish HiHealth v2.0 with personal artly intelligent helper, broker launch date.
DECOIN started as "DE COIN of DE People", which aims to build a platform that will provide partners and users with a fast, secure, and inexpensive trading experience. On top of this, we want to make this experience fun, and most importantly - as calmly as possible.
There is no doubt that sharing his own profits with his contributors will bring the world to a new level! Rest assured, we will rise to this height as well.
DECOIN is connected in a strong relationship between multi-language Online Customer Service worldwide, helping investors understand how to trade properly in Cryptocurrency, CFD, Forex, and Commodities. In these centers, we connect you with our analysts who provide a strong indicator for you. If you admire social trading, you can follow the trading activities of our TOP traders.
Our platform is fully set up, fully secure and transparent.
Decoin Technology
DECOIN is a blockchain based "Exchange Share Exchange" Coin. DECOIN builds the famous, fast-action, easy, and simple Exchange Multicurrency and Trading Platform, which shares the advantages of exchange with all its coin holders. In addition, top-notch security promises its users an easy, casual and reliable trading experience to ensure the transaction is completed.
Thanks to the POS consensus algorithm, all DECOIN coin holders will bet / print in their online wallet (full knot) will qualify for an annual interest rate of 6.2%, relative to the amount of DECOIN they have.
In the future, DECOIN will allow lower fees and discounts for holders of DECOIN.
We are developing a highly scalable, secure, and commercial blockchain architecture
Trading Income and Profit Sharing
Whether the market is up or down - YOU as DECOIN holders get from transaction costs and daily volumes accumulate on the exchange. DECOIN shares all revenue and profits with its Coin holder. Trading revenues include: spreads, commissions, aggregations, risk positions and interest margins
Full support
Accessing special information through our Online Customer Service, with detailed and appropriate information to get you started in the crypto space
Investments with Unprecedented Returns
The DECOIN POS algorithm ensures an average 6.2% annual rate return to all coin holders who will put their coins in DECOIN's online wallet, rewarding their loyalty to the adoption of coins.
Monetization and Disbursement
The First Exchange Platform that allows direct access to our benefits using your personal D-TEP credit card. Just another way you can save time and simplify the process
DECOIN is part of a burgeoning digital money category called cryptocurrency based on Blockchain technology. It is a digital currency, created and stored electronically through software that solves math problems.
DECOIN uses a decentralized network - this means the network is not controlled by one of the institutions with a focus on private transactions and sensor custody. Simply put - no single entity can prevent incoming transactions in blocks. This makes it easy for digital currencies to control their digital currencies. DECOIN is based in Europe, in several offices including London, UK.
Our vision and mission is to become a leading Trading and Trading Platform for cryptocurrency in the world :
You will be our partner in profit. DECOIN stands for "The coin of the people" with the intention of sharing a collection of liquidity and profits from the exchange with our contributors.
Our platform is to have an advanced Exchange platform for cryptocurrency users, enabling them to fully exploit their potential coins with the blockchain itself.
D-TEP The main challenge faced by digital coin holders and traders on a regular basis is how to use their crypto currency and use it for daily expenses and expenses. DECOIN is the first company to have developed a sophisticated wallet that lets you spend your digital currency whenever you want and wherever you are. Our vision is to enable every DECOIN holder to enjoy and access DECOIN's benefits.
How It Works Decoin
Safe - following the financial industry standard, D-TEP protects all sensitive data stored on its platform. Real-time multi-tier authentication includes our trading platforms, protecting trades and withdrawals from exchange, while providing maximum security to our user base
Scalable - able to execute up to 1 million matches per second, making D-TEP one of the fastest and most measurable exchanges on the market today, capable of handling large volumes of expected trade.
Fast - D-TEP uses innovative technology that allows us to execute buy / sell orders quickly - without the lag that characterizes much of the current active exchange.
Social Trafficking - a leading D-TEP trader who is interested and agrees to receive DECOINS for their activities to be tracked and displayed anonymously, enabling other merchants to learn from their knowledge and experience.
Trade Tools - D-TEP also plans to offer financial tools such as contracts for difference (CFD), allowing traders to take advantage of rising prices or downward moving prices on underlying financial instruments. The DECOINS analyst team will provide periodic reports on the new ICO and digital trend / coin market that is in the spotlight.
Distribution of Decoin Tokens
Name : DTEP
Platform : Algo
Type : Coins
Price at ICO : 1 DTEP = 0.9 USD
BONUS Sale : 50%
Tokens for sale : 42,000,000
Accept : ETH, BTC, fiat
Distributed in ICO : 60%
Soft seal : 4,000,000 USD
Hard cap : 30,000,000 USD
Allocation Decoin
Allocation of Decoin Results
38% of the proceeds will be used to build the D-TEP platform, license fees, R & D, Enhancement, Repair.
25% Will be used to smooth our operations, including recruitment of sales & compliance teams, training
20% Will be used for branding and marketing of D-TEP, including the promotion and continuing education of D-TEP and DECOIN platforms, innovation, budget for various advertising activities.
17% will be stored in the Liquidity Pool to serve times of unexpected situations that may arise.
DECOIN's core concept is our shared economy. We have redistributed our coins up to 60% of our profits in our exchange and We offer four different types of results :
Profit Sharing - the percentage of profit sharing generated on D-TEP. DECOIN will distribute up to 60% of its profits at D-TEP, as follows :
First year activities up to 40%
Activity year 2 Up to 50%
Activity year 3 Up to 60%
The profits will be distributed pro rataly between holders of DECOIN in direct relation to their holdings
Proof Of Stake (POS) - All DECOIN holders will achieve 6.2% Per Annum growth rate to spy coins in their DECOIN online wallet
Discount Trade Fees - for all DECOIN holders a 40% discount charge if you have DECOIN coins and you want to use them as a fee payment method (0.15% fee, not 0.25%)
Value Creation - Increased potential value DECOIN follows the realization of a one-of-a-kind DECOIN Ecosystem.
RoadMap Decoin
Q4 - 2017
Birth of DECOIN Development of DECOIN with consensus algorithm POS interest rate of 6.2% PA
Establishment of Online Customer Service Setting up 10 global offices to serve as multi-lingual support and marketing that will promote and support DECOIN holders and new DECOIN users
Q1 - 2018
Personal Sales
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) starts marketing and promotion for early-bird investors
Q2 - 2018
Exchange Platform Beta Test (D-TEP) Launches Beta testing for our own exchange platform
Pre-ICO and ICO Stages
Prepare all materials and information needed
Continue to strengthen the advisory team
Continue to develop our technology
Complete ICO
Add DECOIN on some DECOIN List exchanges in some of the largest trading and exchange markets under the ticker symbol DTEP
DECOINS Launch DECOIN / LINUX / MAC OS / Windows Android Wallet & Wallet Wallet Application - Stake Purse Online, and start DECOINS distribution from DECOIN ICO Dashboard to DECOIN Wallet.
Q3 - 2018
Exchange platform Launch (D-TEP) Launch Exchange for our own results
Launch of trading platform (D-TEP) Launches our own Own Revenue Share platform
Q4 - 2018
Launch of a decentralized Exchange platform Launch our own Decentralized Exchange
Will be announced soon
Team Decoin
Decoin's Advisor
Most people around the world do not understand the field of cryptocurrency and its potential. As such, DECOIN plans to expand and open multilingual Online Customer Service worldwide to better serve our merchants and coin holders by guiding each partner and investor to trade and invest in crypto currency.
For more information about our ICO, you may also visit the site address below :