Join and take advantage of the next innovation in decentralized finance


Join and take advantage of the next innovation in decentralized finance.

With the advent of digitization and technology in general, we are about to experience a new era that will primarily benefit and bring new perspectives for human life.

A revolution happened in the last two decades is the B i tcoin. There is perhaps not a single person on Earth who has never heard of the first cryptocurrency established in 2008 by an imaginary group of people known by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

And to tell the truth, many still wonder how the entire cryptocurrency system works.

The technology necessary for Bitcoin to impact the entire economic system is blockchain, an accounting database that online tracks every transaction that has occurred while using a particular cryptocurrency.

Blockchain benefits and payments in the market:

Blockchain technology, as an innovative concept, unequivocally opens a new digital space to improve financial operations and, more broadly, the operation of business systems.

The robustness of distributed disk technology has led financial institutions, regulators, central banks and governments to increasingly explore the potential of this financial breakthrough.

The main benefit of blockchain technology is decentralization. Other crucial benefits are security, transparency, and immutability.

The main advantages of blockchain:

● Allows users to easily verify the transaction without the need for third-party confirmation.
● A data structure in the blockchain cannot be changed, altered or deleted.
● Time stamps on the blocks, which means that the activity of all participants will be adhered to in the ledger and recorded in the block.
● To validate the entry, many verification protocols are required and that is why there is no risk of fraud or duplication of a transaction.
● Businesses all over the world can pre-configure blockchain conditions with the help of smart contracts.


An invasion of Stablecoins is on the way. How will you disrupt the crypto space?

Stablecoins provide many advantages as a cryptocurrency with secure, private and transparent purposes.

Stablecoins can be classified into 4 main categories:

Fiat Guaranteed Stablecoins - meaning that these stablecoins are backed by currencies such as USD, GBP, EUR, etc.
Commodity Guaranteed Stablecoins - They are backed by precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, etc.) Crypto Guaranteed Stablecoins - As the name implies, these stablecoins are backed by other cryptocurrencies.
Unsecured Stablecoins - These Stablecoins are not backed by anything.

The most famous stablecoin is Tether (USDT) as a fiat collateral stablecoin.
And as the first stablecoin, it has experienced a lot of problems regarding its evaluation format for a secured note.
In order to provide investors with confidence and ensure their reliability, Tether has been singled out as a controversial approach due to

suspicions that Tether has awarded more USDT than can support its USD bookings.

This was the first lesson that upcoming stablecoin apps should take into account in the first place.

The latest stablecoins like Synthetix and MakerDAO went to great lengths to solve and correct this particular problem by altering traditional backup resources, with the application of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Etherium, etc.

At last, the latest stablecoin launches already indicate these problems and, with the help of price regulations, use algorithms that expand the volume of coins. The benefits are already reaping.
However, many improvements need to be made because many stablecoins are still centralized or have not achieved scalability elevations.

In general, stablecoins must overcome these challenges to dive into the optimization line:

● To maintain consistent liquidity, stability and scalability when the market crashes.
● To be easily accessible through user-friendly technology.

The former can easily be overcome simply by implementing strategies that will drive liquidity, stability, and scalability.
Regarding the second challenge, it is obvious that regulators will ultimately have to accept stablecoins by manifesting a regulatory model that fits the economic sector.

Why stablecoins and what is the ultimate solution?

Since cryptocurrencies tend to have high price volatility, the market is desperate for a compact solution, and that solution is to invest in stablecoins with more stable prices along with solid attraction.
Many cases around the world paid for lunches or dinners with Bitcoins, like the man from Florida in 2010 who "burned in the air"

10,000 Bitcoins just to indulge yourself with two pizzas. Today those pizzas would cost more than $ 100 million.

Are you going to pay $ 100 million for two pizzas? Surely not, and for that reason, you should consider stablecoins so as not to lose additional money, or say tens or hundreds of millions of dollars as in the case of the Florida man.

The best solution is cryptocurrencies, but they have not yet become mainstream due to the fact that they are not easy to use.
On the other hand, Psyche is extremely easy to use and is expected to garner public attention as a great challenge for USDT.
Named after the famous asteroid Psyche 16, it sparks the idea of ​​supporting the near future with the same goal that must be achieved: valuation.
The future of payments along with the creation of a truthful technique are the two main goals that Psyche must achieve.
Psyche will support and initiate the vision to bring us a better world in the digital realm of currencies.
It is because of this fact that it is easy to understand and does not involve any complicated science behind the whole scheme.
They are driven by the idea of ​​facilitating the process of disintermediation and financial integration.

Psyche is the only solution because it is destined to revolutionize the world of cryptocurrencies by providing the fusion of cryptocurrency and technology, which is easy to use to establish an unbreakable bond only between people.

Psyche will design and carry out a platform for numerous stablecoins with more than 3,000 transactions in just one second with no additional fees, zero charges, no price variety, no exchange rate variations, no difference at any time of the day.
It is very easy to use like PayPal, and above all without commissions.
Sounds interesting right?

Anonymous balance.

The crucial stimulus for cryptocurrency innovation was to initiate a secure and anonymous currency transfer method.
This is where Psyche Coin comes in.
Since he understands the concept, he made a difference by using the ERC20 utility token which is synced to provide accessibility to cryptocurrencies so that an average human would understand the process in a straightforward way.
User identities remain anonymous, including wallet balance.
The sender and the recipient are identified with a unique number generated by the system and no other personal information about the user is recorded, so they remain anonymous.


Signed transactions.

Psyche Coin is very aware of the repercussions that we encounter in our daily lives.
One of the most common mistakes that can occur is sending money to the wrong address.
But with Psyche, this will not be the case, at all, due to the implementation of a unique six-digit code to send and complete the transaction.
The encrypted code is only visible to the sender and can be shared with the recipient.

Easy-to-use technology - speed and security

Provides the easiest wallet identification in the world of cryptocurrencies.
This refers to the time required to verify a transaction, in less than 3 seconds! And as a receiver, you have the option of accepting or rejecting incoming transactions.
Every transaction is safe and secure.
The wallet is completely encrypted and the user is the only one who has access to the private KEY, PIN and backup.

The biggest problem with wallet technology today is if you forget your private key.
There is no way to get it back and millions can be lost. That is why Psyche offers the benefit of resetting the private key if one forgets it.
The user can configure their own private key and a transaction authentication pin.
Certain information can never be decrypted due to the fact that Psyche uses cryptography to keep account information safe.
Account information is encrypted, remains stored, and only users can reset the password.
Additionally, users can add another form of security, using 2FA with Google authentication.

Environmentally friendly technology:

Psyche is very concerned about the environment.
They think about improving people's health, which is a great initiative.
Psyche is also creating a better future by broadening the vision of cryptocurrency so that the entire network doesn't need to be involved in every transaction.
Through MasterNode, P2P transactions are made directly.


By using Psyche Coin, you can benefit from its cost minimization policy if you want to transfer Psyche from one wallet to another at no charge for up to five transactions per day.
If you go through the five free transactions, you will only be charged 0.25 percent per transaction. No additional or hidden costs are required.


Due to owning an innovative algorithm and process, Psyche adheres to strong scalability, which can serve millions of users per day.
Users have the ability to pair with the smartphone all over the world to enjoy the smart transaction system.


The most impressive benefit that comes with Psyche is that you can shop in your community and earn money from their referral program. Selling fees are $ 0.98 while purchase fees are $ 1.
The respiratory component includes key features such as transparency, accuracy, authentication, and capacity.

Do you think crypto is the next payment solution?
Although it has to provide price stability and quick fix, if you want to use stablecoins in daily use without leaving a trace, the link below gives you the correct answer.

Instead of asking yourself, "Am I ready to start?" well, in this case, you should ask yourself, "when should I start?" That is why it is my great pleasure to inform you that Psyche will be released on November 1, 2020, and you simply shouldn't hesitate too much.

Most importantly, Psyche is the first stablecoin that can be easily accessed and traded daily. It will be very easy for people to connect with Psyche as it is an ecological cryptocurrency.

How the digital cash market is evolving:

Also, it's not that cryptocurrency is changing the world; the world has already changed and improved. To fulfill Psyche's promising future, you have to start today! Join now and be part of the future!


Hallo allerseits, wie geht es dir? Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich dem Projekt anzuschließen, sollten Sie die Informationen lesen, die Ihnen helfen, Informationen zu erhalten. DeFiXy

Protocol ist eine amazonähnliche Plattform für Crypto Assets und -Produkte. Es wurde eingerichtet, um diejenigen ohne Bankkonto wirklich zu stärken, indem die Lücke zwischen den getriebenen Volkswirtschaften geschlossen wird von Fiat und Crypto Space. Bis vor kurzem war es für Anfänger eine Herausforderung, Blockchain-Dienste zu nutzen.

Was ist das DeFixy-Protokoll? Einfach ausgedrückt, das DeFiXy-Protokoll beschreibt sich selbst als eine Amazon-ähnliche Blockchain-Plattform, die eine benutzerfreundliche Lösung für alltägliche Benutzer von Krypto-Assets bietet. Unsere Lösung überwindet die Komplexität, die mit dem Handel mit Krypto-Assets mit Fiats und der Verwendung von DeFi-Diensten verbunden ist.
Das Problem: Massenanpassung

Die meisten Menschen erinnern sich noch an die Reaktion von Mark Cuban, einem bekannten amerikanischen Unternehmer, als er gefragt wurde, wie Kryptowährung (Bitcoin) weit verbreitet werden kann. Sie sagt; „Es sollte sehr einfach zu bedienen sein, ohne darüber nachdenken zu müssen. Es muss völlig reibungslos und für alle verständlich sein. ""

Solange diese Leute fern bleiben, wird die Blockchain-Technologie nicht massiv übernommen. Obwohl nicht jeder es so verstehen wird, wie es Mark Cuban vorgeschlagen hat, sollte es einfach zu bedienen sein. Es ist zwar nicht gerade reibungslos, wie Mark Cuban ebenfalls vorschlägt, aber es sollte weniger reibungslos sein.
Lösung: Echte Anpassung

Solange die Blockchain-Technologie komplex bleibt, wird keine Massenakzeptanz erreicht. Wenn mehr Menschen Zugriff auf Blockchain-Lösungen haben und diese einfach zu verwenden finden, steigt die Akzeptanzrate schnell an. Dies motiviert die Entwicklung von Lösungen, die die Komplexität und Reibung reduzieren, die mit der Verwendung von Blockchain-Lösungen verbunden sind.
Die Funktionen des DeFiXy-Protokolls umfassen:

1. P2P-Markt (Austausch): Hier können Einzelpersonen dezentral mit Krypto-Assets handeln. Die Hauptmerkmale des P2P-Marktes sind folgende: Die Fähigkeit des Benutzers, Geschäfte zu tätigen oder Tauschgeschäfte zwischen zwei auf der Whitelist stehenden Assets zu arrangieren, selbst zwischen Assets, die in der Blockchain ausgesetzt sind, sowie zwischen Whitelist-Assets und einem unterstützten Fiat-Asset.

2. Dynamisches Abstecken: Die vom DeFiXy-Protokoll angebotene Absteckfunktion bietet Benutzern unterschiedliche Belohnungsschwellenwerte. Diese Schwellenwerte sind eine Funktion von zwei Variablen. Die Sperrdauer τ wird in Tagen gemessen und der dynamische Nachfrage-Angebot-Faktor (δd δs (t)) des abgesteckten Vermögenswerts. Das Protokoll bietet auch Überbrückungskäufe an. Damit kann eine Person, die ihr Vermögen ursprünglich für einen bestimmten Zeitraum (z. B. eine 30-tägige Aussperrung) eingesetzt hat, die Aktie vorzeitig verkaufen, aber die Aktion verursacht die Kosten für den Kauf der Sperre.

3. DeFi-Dienste: Das DeFiXy-Protokoll bietet DeFi-Dienste wie Ausleihen und Ausleihen. Benutzer können gesicherte Kredite mit wettbewerbsfähigen Zinssätzen aufnehmen. Die Zinssätze für Kreditnehmer und Kreditgeber werden durch das Mixed User Guarantee Ratio (βr) bestimmt.

4. Debitkartenintegration: Nachdem die gesetzlichen Anforderungen im Zielbereich erfüllt wurden, integriert das DeFiXy-Protokoll eine Kartenzahlungslösung, mit der Benutzer sofort Geld für Krypto-Assets ausgeben können.

DeFiXy-Protokoll-Token Die

Funktionalität des DeFiXy-Protokolls hängt stark vom ursprünglichen Token ab. Somit ist das Token ein Dienstprogramm-Token. Token-Details finden Sie unten. Das Gesamtangebot an DeFiXy-Token beträgt 100.000.000 (100 Millionen) und ist vorab abgebaut, sodass keine zusätzlichen Token erstellt werden können.


April - Juni 2020: Marktforschung und -analyse abgeschlossen
Mai - Juli 2020: Technologiekonzept und -design abgeschlossen
Mai - August 2020: α-Stake-Implementierung abgeschlossen
Juli - September 2020: α-Stake-Tests und -Start abgeschlossen
September - Dezember 2020: Erweiterung , Marketing- und Austauschliste abgeschlossen
Okt - Q1 2020: Plattform-Upgrades abgeschlossen
Mai - Dez 2020: Entwicklung des β-Stake-Mechanismus in
Kürze verfügbar Okt - Dez 2020: DeFi-Implementierung und -Integration in Kürze
Nov - Q1 2021: DeFi-Tests und -Start in Kürze
Q1 - Q3 2021: Implementierung und Integration des P2P-Marktes in Kürze erhältlich
Q1 - Q3 2021: Integration des Fiat-Gateways in Kürze
Q2 - Q4 2021: Testen und Starten des P2P-Marktes
Q4 2021: Weiterentwicklung, Integration von Direktzahlungssystemen DeFixy-





Telegram: DeFiXy 




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