
he total supply to prevent big whales and robots.

UNIVE has a limited number of tokens that will never chan
No new token creation will be made and no token will be b
We attach particular importance to generosity, which is wh

Investing in UNIVE is the way to earn money but also to gi
We the People must be united, together we will be stronge.


UNIVE is intended to be a reliable, secure but also innovative
investment.The concept allows holders to see the value of their
investment grow effortlessly.

We also want to stop the price manipulation
which is influenced by the privileged few and we have set a limit of
500,000 tokens for trading or 0.5% of the total supply to prevent big
whales and robots.

UNIVE has a limited number of tokens which will
never change to avoid inflation and deflation.No new token creation
will be made and no token will be burned.

We attach particular importance
to generosity, which is why 3% of the transaction fees are sent to a private
wallet and will be donated each year to charities.

Investing in UNIVE is the
way to earn money but also to give a small share to those who
need it.We the People must be united, together we will be stronger.

The total and final supply is 100,000,000 tokens.

50% of the liquidity is blocked during the first 6 months then the
tokens will be put into circulation gradually to promote the capital
of the UNIVE community.
It is for this reason that the number of tokens
per purchase is limited, no one should be able to manipulate or influencethe market price.



Limited Supply

The total supply is 100,000,000 tokens.No token will be created or burned.We don't want inflation or deflation.


Transaction fees

A total of 10% transaction fees:
5% For holders.
3% For charity.
2% Auto Liquidity Pool.



3% of annual cash will be donated to charity. With UNIVE, you will earn money and help those in need.



50% of the liquidity is blocked on bscrypt to give an additional guarantee to your investment.



Limit of 500,000 tokens for trade, or 0.5% of the total supply to prevent big whales and robots.



A currency made by the people, for the people because united we will be stronger.


UNIVE wants to create a united community that makes decisions together. For this reason, a vote of all UNIVE token holders will take place each year, deciding where the 3% allocated to charity will be distributed. UNIVE is not ours, it's yours.


  • August 2021Q1
    Creation of UNIVE and the concept.
  • August 2021Q2
    Opening of accounts on social networks and start of communication.
  • August 2021Q3
    Presale begins, with the sale on Pancakeswap.
  • September 2021Q4
    Profile validation on binance smart chain.
  • September 2021Q5
    Referencing of UNIVE on different platform. Coinmarketcap, Coingecko..
  • October 2021Q6
    Official sales launch.
  • June 2022Q7
    Release of a small amount of liquidity which will be carefully calculated to keep the market favorable.
  • June 2022Q8
    Breakdown of the budget for the year 2022/2023 with the release of 2% of the liquidity allocated to marketing.
  • End 2022Q9
    Creation of an ecological blockchain.

Binance Smart chain

UNIVE is based on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) protocol.
Why this choice?
Because the transactions are extremely fast and very inexpensive in fees.
We wanted to offer UNIVE token owners a way to move and exchange their tokens in the easiest and fastest way possible.


UNIVE is a cryptocurrency project for digital entertainment Market.

We are NOT financial advisers, although we think this project is one
of a kind and the potentials of this project are remarkable and unmatched.
We recommend that all investors invest * AT THEIR OWN RISK * and do
their own due diligence.
UNIVE has some anti-bot algorithms coded into
the contract and we clearly advise anyone considering using a
cryptocurrency bot (to buy or sell all UNIVE tokens) read the white paper
first to fully understand the repercussions of their actions.
The UNIVE team
recommends that all investors research their own financial advisers before
investing in this project. If you so choose to invest in UNIVE, it is
understood that UNIVE does not guarantee success of your investments
and that the risks taken are the choices and responsibilities of the investors
Please ensure when investing that you comply with the
all local and government laws before purchasing.





 A Decentralized Meme Token with Decentralized Exchange and NFTs Marketplace



Motherdog a Decentralized Meme token with Decentralized Exchange and NFTs Marketplace.
Motherdog develop Binance Smart Chain.
Binance Smart Chain is wonderful, with most endeavor, the greatest DeFi Users, the most affordable gas charge and the speediest trade speed.
You will find potential on Motherdog, Including improvement store, Support, Activities, Connection, etc

Binance Smart Chain is seen as an equivalent blockchain, making a twofold chain structure via conveying programmability to Binance Chain. Binance and Binance Smart Chain have both procured the thought of architects, vendors, and monetary supporters.
A piece of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) wallets are: MetaMask.
The Binance Smart Chain is an adroit agreement engaged blockchain network made completely aim on making a decentralized money related (DeFi) climate.
The Binance Smart Chain works using a Proof-of-Authority understanding framework.

The decentralized thought of blockchain makes the groundbreaking thought of a representative economy where the neighborhood can be circulated to the genuine substance producers and organization customers who make regard. Picture coins, of course, fill no authentic need right now, and most of them were made as a way to deal with make a fast buck.
A part of these coins have gained notoriety since they’re progressed by convincing VIPs, and retail monetary patrons have guided up their expenses by propelling them vivaciously on the web.

Motherdog Swap

Motherdog Swap is a DeFi show dependent on the Binance Smart Chain ,offer the best things to the neighborhood. It limits as a decentralized exchange (DEX) that accepts a mechanized market maker (AMM) model.
Stamping and Farming, Sell and buy uncommon NFTs, get your own NFTs collection and altogether more.


In the domain of cryptocurency, burning-through an emblematic method to deliberately eliminate that token from courses , routinely by sending it to a cryptographic cash wallet to which no one methodologies.
Devouring a ton of computerized cash tokens can fabricate the lack of that token .The demonstration of coin burning-through is ordinary in the crypto business and is exceptionally simple to do.

Numerous exercises use coin burning-through to shield their assets natural market extent.
Decreasing the hard and fast volume of coins,theoretically,leads to their value increase,provided that current interest pointers are stayed aware of.
Token burning-through is ussualy performed by the headway bunch behind a particular computerized cash asset.
It will in general be done in a couple ways,most balance is unreservedly clear on the blockchain,but permission to its substance is out of reach to anyone.
MDOG Token burn-through is half and will be done in three phases :

  • Stage 1 : 20%
  • Stage 2 : 10 %
  • Stage 3 : 20%

Motherdog wallet on android and ios

Tokenomic MDOG

  • Name : Motherdog
  • Ticker : MDOG
  • Supply : 1000 Billion
  • Devour : half
  • In Circulation : 10%
  • Pre-bargain : 30%
  • Advancing : 5%
  • Airdrop : 5%

Motherdog convenient wallet for Binance Smart Chain/BEP20 and Ethereum/ERC20/ERC223 tokens. Give a totally security assessed system that works on it to store your, expected for iOS and Android, give the best insight and convenience.


  • Supply : 1000 Billion
  • Pre-bargain : 300 Billion
  • Start : 2021–08–25
  • End : 2021–09–25
  • Time : 1 Month
  • Recognize Currencies : BNB
  • Trading scale 1 BNB : MDOG
  • Max aggregate assembled : 3 BNB

We will finish the presale time when it shows up at the Hardcap and dispatch rapidly.

For More Information Click Links Bellow:


Smart phone privacy and secure communication.


What is Zercados?

Zercados is a token focused on developing networks and solutions that protect privacy for its users a complete "privacy and security ecosystem". The flagship development is the Avoozer smartphone which acts as a key to a network of encrypted services and solutions.


Token's vision with something unusual as a core business based on the latest technology in the background focused on protecting what matters most to us all, privacy and free speech. The essence of democracy and blockchain technology

Token Function

  • The Zercados token is used to reward developers, marketing, and to pay for services and products by ecosystem users.
  • Zercados is used as an internal reward system for developers and others associated with Zero Avocado's privacy and security ecosystem, 40% of Zero Avocado Ltd's pre-tax profits annually will be used to buy back Zercados tokens on the open market.
  • The Zercados token will also be the only crypto payment accepted within the ecosystem itself.


  • Total Zercados tokens: 1 000 000 000.
  • Total pre-sale and ICO: 500 000 000.
  • Total system developer tokens and marketing rewards: 400,000 000.
  • Total initial setup, marketing and liquidity tokens: 100 000 000.
  • Minimum repurchase per year by Zero Avocado Ltd: 40% of profit before tax.

Roadmap :

Q4 2020:

  • Idea concept stage
    Select the OS for the new smartphone other than iOS and Android.
    Customize the selected OS for the smart phone.

Q2 2021

  • Set up and configure the AvoVPN ecosystem network to support Avoozer smartphones.
    Launch the AvoVPN ecosystem website.
    Final testing of the Avoozer KV Beta smartphone.
    Final testing and launch of the secure communications app for Avoozer smartphones.
    Start marketing Avoozer KV Beta Smartphone software to specific groups and organizations.
    Start development of social media system based on Lemozer Matrix
    Launch the Lemozer . website
    Shipping starts from the limited edition of the Avoozer KV Beta Smartphone.

Q3 2021:

  • Start development of reward and payment system, Zercados Token
    Set up the Zercados website
    Launch the GpsSpoof app on the Avoozer KV Beta smartphone.
    Started development of TOR based anonymous file sharing app for Avoozer.
    Create Zercados Token on Binance Smart Chain
    Develop white paper for Zercados Token
    Beginning of development of anonymous SIM/SMS verification service
    Lemozer "user-hosted" Matrix server beta testing.
    Hardware testing for the next Avoozer smartphone model, the KV1.
    Pre ICO soft sale of Zercados Token.
    The ICO of the Zercados Token begins.

Q4 2021:

  • Start development of E-SIM system for Avoozer smartphone
    Launch a dedicated wallet for Zercados on Avoozer smartphones.
    Integrate the Zercados token as a payment solution for all Zero Avocado products and developments.
    Launch an anonymous SIM/SMS verification service (TBN).
    Launch app store version 2 for Avoozer smartphones
    Launched Lemozer Matrix based social media service integrating 25 million+ current users
    Launch the Lemozer app for Avoozer smartphones
    Launch the Lemozer app for Android phones
    Add Zercados to exchange PancakeSwap

Q1 2022:

  • The launch of the Avoozer KV1 smartphone, the second model in this series.
    AvoVPN ecosystem expansion with IP locations in 30+ countries
    Development starts from "Activist application" (TBN), WiFi mesh communication.
    Launch of secure & encrypted cloud storage for Avoozer users in the AvoVPN ecosystem.
    Initial sale of Lemozer's "self-hosted" matrix-based servers
    Add more exchange for Zercados Token
    Start hardware testing for the next generation Avoozer smartphone, KV2

Q2 2022

  • Start development of low-cost “disposable” Avoozer Smartphone.
    Launch a secure encrypted email service in the AvoVPN ecosystem
    Start DEX development for cryptocurrency in AvoVPN ecosystem
    The first buyback of Zercados by Zero Avocado Ltd is equivalent to 40% of the profit before tax

For more information


useful for all influencers

 Do you know? now a utility for all influencers, streamers, musicians, artists, brands and content creators from all walks of life creating content in social media communities. We believe the decentralized token system allows all content creators - including content creators from under-represented groups - to have direct access to their fans and their monetization methods.




Gistcoin utility token for all influencers, streamers, musicians, artists, brands and content creators from all walks of life who create content in social media communities and other audio networks.
The decentralized token system allows all content creators - including content creators from under-represented groups - to have direct access to their fans and monetization methods.


how to use gistcoin

a type of electronic money that can be quietly exchanged for digital content, products and services, and then converted into fiat currency.

◼️This is an independent third-party exchange tool. Payments from content consumers to content creators can be made without intermediaries.

◼️ Remove national borders and local currency problems for the free circulation of creative works. A currency of exchange for content operates globally.

◼️User anonymity guaranteed
Latest daily encrypted transactions
Easy payments for micro-purchases and payments for creative works
Price fluctuations are purely based on the principle of supply and demand
Transactions without restrictions of fees, times and locations
Use on all international social media platforms.


Gistcoin allows content creators to unlock the economy around their community and take advantage of new monetization methods that work across multiple platforms. Not only does this create an engaged community that can tip with Gist Coin and spend GistCoin to gain exclusive access to content, special access, events, and merchandise, but it also allows content creators to monetize their content as they see fit. wish. Gistcoin enables creators to build a loyal fan base and be rewarded for creating value for members of its user community.

How do content creators make money with GistCoin?

GistCoin's goal is to empower content creators to unlock the economy around their community and take advantage of new monetization methods that work across multiple platforms. Not only does this create an engaged community that can tip with GistCoin and spend GistCoin to gain exclusive access to content, special access, events and merchandise, it also allows content creators to monetize without paying a fee. high platform.


  • APRIL 2021
    Idea of ​​generation
    The origins of the generation of GistCoin ideas. Development of business concepts and plans.

  • MAY / JUNE 2021
    Concept development
    GistCoin relaunches development. Development of a GistCoin pilot application for the future ClubHouse platform.

  • SEPT 1, 2021
    Publications of the white paper
    Attracting investment from investors. GistCoin registration. Team building.

  • September 15, 2021
    GISTCOIN portfolio
    Development of a GISTCOIN portfolio model. Technical audit.

  • October 1, 2021
    Version of the MVP mockup
    MVP Mockup released to the technical team for development.

  • October 1 - 31, 2021
    Initial Coin Offering
    Preparation for GISTCOIN and development of smart contracts for the release of GistCoin. Continue to develop the platform. Continuity of ecosystem formation (more than 10 partners).

  • October 15, 2021
    Gisthouse Public Beta Testing Gisthouse
    Public Beta Testing Completed and End User Feedback Collected

  • December 1, 2021

  • Dec 1 2022
    List of GISTCOINs on general stock exchanges [At least 3]

  • January 1, 2022
    Launch of the GISTCOIN trading platform [GISTtopia.Com):

  • January - December 2022
    GISTCOIN acceptance partner expansion campaign

  • JUNE 1, 2022
    Official launch of the social media platform GITSHOUSE AUDIO DROP-IN





 Blockchain Based Play2earn Game Real Economy


What is Cryptopia Land?

Cryptopia Land is a blockchain based, real economy, play2earn game. The game is being developed on Ethereum/BSC. Players participate in resource mining across different planets, designing their own mining tools. Cryptopia Land features real economy, based on CLD (Cryptopia Land Dollar)

Cryptopia Land is a blockchain based, real economy, play2earn game. The game is being developed on Ethereum/BSC. Players participate in resource mining across different planets, designing their own mining tools. Cryptopia Land features real economy, based on CLD (Cryptopia Land Dollar).

Mission and Future of Cryptopia Land

Cryptopia Land is being developed with the real economy in mind. Players will have the ability to participate in a broad range of the commercial activities on the Cryptopia Land platform: trade, research, manufacture, mine, hunt and much more. Decentralized auction will be available for the players to trade their assets.


Cryptopia Land is an Ethereum blockchain-based play2earn that has a real economy. With the features offered by Cryptopia Land, it enables users to be able to do various things, such as participate in resource mining across different planets and develop their own tools to be able to mine more resources. But that’s not all, there are several other features of Cryptopia Land:

  • Constantly Expanding: Unlike other gaming platforms, the land in Cryptopia Land is constantly expanding as new resources are discovered. With this users can continue mining with their tools.
  • Native Currencies: Supported by native currencies, users on Cryptopia Land can make payments more securely. And not only that, this digital currency can be used for staking and governance.
  • Game Engine: The game engine behind Cryptopia Land is a unique game engine specially designed for decentralized game hosts like Cryptopia Land.
  • Secure Transactions: Users don’t have to worry about their transactions, because Cryptopia Land is designed with a secure and transparent transaction system.
  • BSC/ETH based: Cryptopia Land launched on the Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum platforms which are already widely used by global platforms.
  • Many Activities: There are many activities that users can do on the Cryptopia Land platform, such as solving puzzles, designing mining tools, and many other activities.


As previously explained, Cryptopia Land has a native currency launched under the name CLD. The CLD token will be launched on the Binance Network with BEP-20 protocols with a supply of 4,000,000 CLD. The CLD token was launched as a utility and governance token, this means the CLD token will be used for payment, staking, reward and governance. Later with CLD tokens, users can buy various mining tools, mining charges, armour, etc. To be able to get CLD tokens, users can buy CLD tokens on supported exchanges.





By integrating blockchain technology into the game platform, game developers can present an innovative and modern gaming platform that will be profitable for users, because users can play and earn money from it.
And Cryptopia Land is here as a play2earn platform based on Ethereum and BSC blockchain.
Cryptopia Land has a real economy that will benefit its users. Because here users can participate in mining resources across different planets and design their own mining tools to mine more. But not only that, there are many other activities that users can do on the platform such as trading, staking, research, etc.
Cryptopia Land aims to be able to provide an innovative blockchain-based game that has a real economy that will benefit users.

For More Information Click Links Bellow:




DeGeThal creates a favorable environment for secure payments in cryptocurrencies and fiat assets, for trading fiat and digital assets, for accepting payments, making cryptocurrency financial and banking services available to all users regardless of place of residence,their nationality, education, and level of wealth.


The main task that we set for ourselves is to make financial services as simple and accessible as possible by combining various banking and financial products in one platform, connecting crypto and fiat currencies and providing a convenient gateway for receiving payments for a wide range of users.

The DeGeThal ecosystem attempts to solve the existing problems of modern financial systems with its hybrid crypto/fiat solution suite for retail and organizational use.

The DeGeThal (DTM) project was created in 2021 by a group of IT veterans,
including experienced business owners. DeGeThal is a cryptocurrency project that can be accessed by anyone in the world. the existing fiat system has many weaknesses, it is not accessible to many people.



Our vision is to create a DeFi product that allows the use of cryptocurrency for everyday needs, providing the opportunity to make everyday payments by combining cryptocurrency and fiat.
E-banking license allows us to connect bank cards to wallets, and make payments from bank accounts. Wallets can be stored not only with cryptocurrencies, but also with fiat funds, and assets can be exchanged within the wallet.



Check out our key features that set us apart from other financial projects.

🔸The goal of the DeGeThal ecosystem is to link cryptocurrencies with fiat in to create a convenient means of payment based on a multi-currency wallet that supports bank cards and bank accounts that allow users to create
payments from one wallet worldwide, using ATMs to withdraw and
top up wallets, to make fast and cheap payments worldwide, to exchange and convert cryptocurrencies and fiat.

🔸In the future, a centralized exchange (CEX) will be built on the basis of a wallet, which will allow users not only to make payments and manage funds at their discretion, exchanging cryptocurrency assets, but also to actively earn money from cryptocurrencies andfiat currency trading, as well as on providing liquidity for CEX operations.

🔸The next step in the development of the wallet will be the creation of its own NFT marketplace, which will provide additional opportunities for earning. Thanks to the NFT market, creators of various works can make money from their creativity by generating NFTs and promoting their work on the NFT market, and investors can benefit by buying rare and unique NFTs and building their own NFT collections.

🔸The blockchain itself that supports smart contracts will allow developers to create their own applications on the blockchain to use the various banking and financial services offered by the DeGeThal platform, and to quickly and securely accept cryptocurrencies and paymentsfiat worldwide.

🔸The combination of traditional banking in one platform, thanks to the availability of e-banking licenses with modern cryptocurrency technology and DeFi capabilities, provides access to financial services to a wide range of populations, even for people who do not have access to classic banking.

🔸DeGeThal not only provides financial and banking services to a broad range of populations, but also provides opportunities to earn money using staking programs, liquidity pools, user incentive programs, as well as offering multiple benefits to staking program participants andDTM holder.

🔸To support the growth of the DeGeThal ecosystem and provide additional revenue to platform users, for the growth of the project and popularization of its services worldwide, DTM tokens are issued. tokens are used to pay commissions for platforms and applications located on the blockchain.

🔸To attract users to store DTM in their wallets and receive income for storing tokens, a staking system is used.

🔸In addition to financial benefits and income opportunities, DTM holders
have the right to participate in voting, make important decisions in the life of the community and the platform.

🔸Reward system is used to promote DeGeThal services around the world and provide additional income for ecosystem users. nS the presence of a reward system and incentive program will allow
The DeGeThal ecosystem is growing faster.


The ongoing economic crisis has shown serious problems in the existing fiat system. production declines in many countries, company closures and job losses, combined with large injections of funds from government agencies and anti-crisis measures, led to an increaseinflation.

At the same time, the income of the majority of the population has decreased.the current inability of the authorities to control the crisis situation has led to the fact that people are starting to look for alternative financial opportunities and ways of investing capital that are not dependent on the actions of the authorities. The DeFi ecosystem doesn't just allow people toearn extra income and solve their financial problems, but also unite people on the principles of interaction, equality, democracy and fair distribution of resources. these factors are responsible for the steady activity of users, as well as the constant growth of the sectorDeFi3.




Analysis of the presented material and statistical data shows that DeFi
This sector is growing rapidly and its growth potential has not been exhausted. The economic crisis and the inability of the authorities to solve current problems are forcing people to look for alternative solutions.

During the financial crisis, the income of the population fell sharply, and the need for money increased significantly. DeFi offers various ways to earn money for active users who participate in the project. people are also attracted to the DeFi sector with a fair distribution of funds, which does not depend on the will of a particular person or group, and the ability to make decisions that are important to people's lives and society. project.

For more information about DeGeThal, click the link below



TheWeb3Project : Evolution a new Decentralized ecosystem based on Blockchain Technology

  Hello Everyone, The Web 3.0 it's an new Innovation that is evolved from the Web 1.0 & 2.0, It's refer to semantic the web conc...