The author of Cain Carey, The End of College of the Learning and the University of the Biz, looks at a world in which the past of the harsh four-year model of post-secondary school education and its associated student-debt burden He sees a time when higher education becomes the lifelong process of intellectual and practical promotion based on the professional and personal aspirations of an economical, one person.
Major international publications such as Forbes Magazine, Washington Post and The Economist have deemed a $ 4.6 trillion to $ 6 trillion global education market for technological interference. Our analysis shows that due to higher education there is not a mismatch between increasing tuition costs and student loan burden, the inappropriate amount of time needed to earn a degree and the training and job skills of the college demanded by the employer.
After assessing the weakness of higher education, our team concluded that a solution is an on-demand education market, which we call in the phone ODEM . This platform is a single, accessible and distributed network that allows students to have international contacts between professors and their academic partners in both local and international ways to enhance the quality of education available at a reasonable cost .
Odim financial ecosystem
ODEM token
ODEM platform participants will have conducted all transactions using the ODEMT. Payments are done through token exchanges and will follow the terms and conditions of the smart contract. The token will be built on the atiram token standard, also called ERC 20
Odim payment gateway
As illustrated in Figure 1, the ODEMT should be the medium of exchange for buying program products and services on the ODEM platform.
Digital wallet
Digital Wallet is an online or mobile account in which the user can store all payment information for the admittance pockets on the Odem platform for teachers, students and other service providers will be integrated.
Odem tokens sale
The amount received from the token distribution program will be used for ODEM platform development, operation, legal establishment and marketing. ODEMT will be the original currency used for working and operating on the ODEM platform. In short, the main and only purpose of the token is to use utility services available on the ODEM platform. ODMA SA makes no claim about the use of ODEMT for any other purposes. Please note that any information mentioned in this chapter may change without notice before the main conglomeration is launched.
ODEM tokens sale will be in two stages
1. Former token sale - initial adoption phase
The pre-Crodsalal phase will start on December 10, 2017. In pre-token sales, 58,200,000 ODEMT will be released at a concessional rate of € 0.0375. These Audimts will be issued at 25 percent bonus rate. Please note that bonus tokens will only be available after the completion of main token sale and token generation. There is a minimum purchase requirement of 200,000 audits per user in the pre-token sales phase.
2. Token Sales
The main token sale will start temporarily on February 17, 2018 and will continue till March 19, 2018. A total of 180 million ODEMMs will be released in this phase. Token, or around € 0.05, will be issued. Keeping in mind the fact that the Odom platform can only perform better if the tokens are widely distributed, then the user will be allowed to buy a maximum of 250,000 audits during the first hour of the main token sale. After that, the maximum limit of 250,000 audit meters will be removed.
Details of contributors
Keeping in mind the global token sales system, ODEM SA is committed to following some great practices. For the ODEM Token sale KYC (Knowledgeable to your customer) and AML (anti-money laundering) security measures will be required so that they can participate legally in tokens sales to ensure these contributions. ODEM believes in being a leader in the implementation of best practices, a KYC form will be available on the homepage.
The contributions made by ODEMA SA will be used for research and development of the ODEM platform and the market will be built. The ODEM award will be used to encourage market participants and will be used on the basis of the financial condition of the company at the discretion
Fund use roadmap
In this section, we outline the business setup that we will build from the contributions received from token sales. We offer the following plan for candidate contribution, which we can get in this ODEMT token sale
Level 1 - € 1 up to € 3 million
- Limited proficiency for teachers to create profiles and content
- Deployed on chain transactions at Atithum on limited capacity
- Odem platform beta launch
- 1 Physical Office (Switzerland)
- 3 full-time senior developers
- 1 full-time blockade developer
- 1 full time sysadmin / quality assurance / support
- 1 full time consultant / sales engineer
Level 2 - € 3 million to € 6 million
- All Level 1 Benefits
- Additional market participants will be added (mentors and interpreters)
- Recruitment of developer team to migrate the majority of chain transactions for the on-chain ecosystem
- Additional Branch Office (China)
- Developing curriculum presentations for laser technology distributed with social, political and technical impacts
- 4 full-time senior developers
- 2 full time block channel developers
- 2 full-time sysadmins / quality assurance / support
- 2 Full-time Sales Engineer / Consultant
- 1 UI and mobile specialist
- 1 legal adviser
- 1 Professional Development Specialist
- 4 senior professors of Ivy League / Swiss universities
Level 3 - € 6 million to € 12 million
- All Level 2 Benefits
- Additional market participants (housing and facilities) will be added.
- All transactions are on the chain and are in additional selected block chains
- Up to 5 physical offices in 5 target markets (Switzerland, Asia, India, S America, Middle East)
- Pilot Certification of Selected Education Courses
- Video pilot and test on Demand Platform
- Free Private Education Blockchain Account Tracking
- Scholarship programs for deprived students
- 5 full-time senior developers
- 3 full-time block channel developers
- 2 full-time sysadmins / quality assurance / support
- 4 Full-time Sales Engineer / Consultant
- 2 UI and Mobile Experts
- 1 legal adviser
- 4th Professional Development Specialists
- Global marketing assistance
- 4 senior professors of Ivy League / Swiss universities
- Education Advice and Recognition Committee
- 1 Human Resources Manager
Vision for Deliverable / Target
Live ODIM platform is fully functional, which is based on the above specifications:
- Completion of interactive requests, bidding and educational programs
- All areas include fully embedded participatory communities:
** academic / corporate / speaker
** end customer (both executive and student)
** setting up web access for students, student representatives, teachers and service providers and the ODEM community To become a member and to buy and sell in the ODEM market include particle-crackers:
*** Speaker
*** Corporate Engagement Managers
*** Features
*** Program Nirm Aata, director and coordinator
*** catering, transportation and external activities such as service providers - Full capacity to search, select and create new academic products
- brand awareness
- Fully active and busy marketing campaign and ongoing marketing effort
- Fully functional help desk / support for adjusting the onboarding and ongoing use of new users.
The source
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