
PHIToken - Investment Platform In The World Investing in Traditional Assets and Cryptococcus-Based Blocking

Welcome effectively to all your crypto friends wherever you are. Ideally you are in a Healthy Expression of all Amiins. In this event I will illuminate all of you around one of the continuing ICO efforts that is PHIToken.
Why PHIToken Platform for Hybrid Investment Partners DESEMBER LTD who plans to create a Main Platform for Hybrid Investments (PHI)?
Because the PHIToken Platform will empower interests in all benefit classes and business vehicles including crypto resources. The goal is to provide customers an entirely advanced stage to handle all the reserve funds and speculation. This stage will advance towards becoming Pltaform Hybrid for Investment, at the end of the day, advanced administrative processes with experienced experts for customer associations.

How Does the PHIToken Platform Work?

PHIToken stage has three main capacities to expand PHIToken estimate after a while:
PHIToken ™ as Shares: Everyone who needs to utilize the free stage portion, (all profit supervisors, monetary organizers and financial specialists) must claim and reduce PHIToken.
PHIToken as Payment: A mixture of business and financial programming stages will receive installments in PHIToken offering 30% money, in this way promising individuals to pay for tokens instead of oily money;
PHIToken Buyback and Balance: 15% of the execution fee made by the stage and half of the annual appraisal form occurs because the cost installment in Malta (associated with 15% of EBIDTA organizations) will be used to purchase PHIToken instead and will be Disposed, the shortcoming that will bring progress nonstop after some time.
Phase PHI will also understand the issue of Critical property administration for the following reasons:
This will reduce the network of business stores through digitization and lower the cost of administering the business.
This will allow you to incorporate resources into several speculative vehicles, including the Crypto Assets which is an amazing business opportunity.
This will create a correlation between Asset Managers and Wealth Managers by strengthening competition and along these lines showing signs of returns for clients.
The PHIToken organization has sifted through the Token Generation Event to distribute the PHI token, which needs to be modeled for the deployment of budget administration and Wealth Management that really reforms the flow.
Monetary administration can be provided in a variety of courses, ranging from mysterious to large notices with tips on securities to be bought or sold, from the online stage for examination and correlation of money-related instruments, to specific counseling administrations demonstrated by the needs of a single client, and after it extends administration to administrative business resources through independent records that oversee or monitor aggregate records, called omnibus records.
Speculative instruments may be identified in business items, such as public assets and Sicav (variablecapital speculation organizations), elective subsidies, for example, business instruments AIF or PIF or not yet falsified, for example, the value of securities or securities.
The possibility to link PHIToken is a characteristic result of a solid belief to silence the old money-related counseling system, which needs to be developed in the deployment of monetary administration by placing specialists in the areas of Finance focus, chief of resources and especially end buyers who as speculators seek and expect results higher.
The PHI token will empower speculators from around the world to get to a premium administration devoted exclusively to Token holders, to purchase 30% discount from various administrations, for example, money-related releases on custom securities and crypto resources, Bond evaluations, values, reserves and Crypto, certainly bought a 30% reduction in the counseling administration offered by Diaman Partners or his accomplices or other related experts.
PHI Asset Management Platform
The Hybrid Platform for Hybrid Investments combines many of these qualities, enabling Assets supervisors, Wealth Managers and Financial Planners to have the capacity to open at least one administrative channel to assist their clients, but in addition to getting clients who do not follow Financial Planner and who will donate their cash utilizing the main stage that empowers proficient money venture even in the creation scene. Crypto-Assets resource class through monetary items associated with this instrument.
The full digital platform will be the core of this project, as it is truly innovative in the business model, in the complete opening of several Bank Deposits, several Asset Managers and therefore, different management styles, some Financial Advisors, nearly complete financial instruments. The world, in brief, the 360-degree platform really does not only meet the needs of HNWI's customers and consumers, but also the needs of institutional customers who can allocate their assets by selecting from hundreds of different asset managers with great competitive edge. cost. May be free and change in a day, not months. Its operation is described by the infographic below.

Sales of FIToken

Token Symbol: PHI
Total Supply: 24.157.817,00 PHI
Soft Cap: 1,000,000 USD
Hard Cap: 14.930.352 PHI
PRE-ICO START: March 3, 2018
Join the first Wealth Management marketplace that combines traditional and crypto finance into new and higher profits and better ways to invest in the long run.
Event Token Generation (TGE) will be in three stages:
Pre-Sales: Maximum number 3,524,578 Tokens.
Pre-ICO: Maximum amount 3,524,578 Token with 21% discount.
ICO: The maximum number of 7,881,196 tokens will be available.
Pre-Sales: Closed 

Number of PHIToken in Pre-Sale: 3,524,578 PHI 
Pre-Order Start Date: March 3, 2018 PHI 
Number of PHIToken in Pre-ICO: 3,524,578 PHI
Minimum amount of Pre-ICO: 1 Pre-Pre ICO: Until March 8, 2018 Price discount: 21% Option for early termination: yes, after ordering 3,524,578 tokens Possible contract of reservation in Pre-ICO: yes ICO PHIToken Starting Date: March 8, 2018 Number of IRC tokens at ICO: 7.881.196 Time of ICO: Until 21 March 2018 Option for early termination: Upon reaching 14,930,352 Token (hard cap) PHIToken ordered to Airdrop After 6 months: 1,346,269 PHI PHIToken ordered the Management Team: 1,346,269 PHIMinimum amount in ICO: None minimum number  of  PHI issued: 24,157,817.00 PHI Customizable adjustments: unsold or unallocated tokens will be destroyed. Other Token Problems: No, one token issue in ICO Secure method to buy Token: only ETH Mincap: 1 million USD, all funds will be refunded. Token distribution is supported: No later than 5 April 2018 Token Token Event (activation date) April 5, 2018
PHIToken Distribution:
Tokens are distributed publicly: 61.8%. 

Airdrop after 6 months only for shareholders: 3.4%. 
Token for management / Employee / Advisor: 11.1%. 
Acquisition and business development: 23.6.
Use of Funds
Platform Development 30.2%. 

Marketing 18.6%. 
Business Development 41.4%. 
5.4% advisers, laws and compliance.
 Research and Development 4.4.


For more information about our project, you can contact at link below:

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