What is UTEMIS
The first e-commerce that decentralizes businesses reputation on the Blockchain and unificates Latin America into a single economic space. Something happens, you get 100% of your money back.
What if Latin American companies can have a new fresh start regardless of their past? A new opportunity to thrive and prosper like never before. We believe that if small and mid-sized businesses in Latin America have, for the first time ever, the chance to co-create their future, they will create the most economically vibrant, resilient, efficient and fair economic zone in the world.

Blockchain was developed so people that do not know each other can do business together. With no intermediaries and at a minimum cost. Blockchain was originally designed to record economic transactions but it can also be expanded to other forms of transactions. UTEMIS has two Ethereum based blockchains, one for economic transactions and one for reputational transactions. We expand the applicability of the Blockchain.

UTEMIS aims to be a successful business that thrives by doing good and that goes beyond generating change. UTEMIS wants to be the change itself. It’s been way too long for Latin America. By decentralizing businesses’ reputations for everyone to see and exposing them to new business opportunities, millions of people can finally have the opportunity they deserve

How Decentralization Empowers Businesses in Latin America
With UTEMIS all Latin American businesses have the same opportunities to grow than the Chinese had. This is the power of decentralizing economies.
By decentralizing businesses’ reputation on the Ethereum Blockchain, smart contracts automatically compute your behavior on every transaction, accelerating trade for millions of small and mid-sized companies in Latin America.
The Chinese e-commerce giants use an escrow account that protects the buyer. UTEMIS escrow account works in exactly the same way, your money is always protected and if something happens you get 100% of your money back.
Banking transactions in Latin America are extremely expensive, take several days, and are very bureaucratic, with UTEMIS businesses pay instantly, save up to 99% on transaction fees, no banks involved and you are making your money work for you.

Latin America first reputational blockchain with a proven business model that has delivered billions of dollars for the Chinese e-commerce giants. UTEMIS applies the latest technologies to fuel a business model that will be the agent for change for an entire continent.

The UTEMIS cryptocurrency is transforming the entire Latin American continent into a single economic space.
Conduct business in the entire Latin American continent as if it were one country, find new clients and suppliers and evaluate them by their reputation.
Save 99% of the current costs of conducting transactions and payments, no bureaucracy or waste of time and instant payment. Same as Chinese e-commerce giants, your purchases are 100% protected with UTEMIS escrow account, if something happens you get 100% of your money back.
Trust and reputation are the fuel that drives business growth. By decentralizing their reputation on the Ethereum Blockchain, businesses that are going to be driven out of the system. And for the first time ever 100% of this outcome depends on them.

UTEMIS uses the latest technology to give everyone a fresh start. A new opportunity to do things right. At UTEMIS everyone has a clean slate - you write your future on the Blockchain. No matter what you did in the past, or where you come from. You can do business now without corruption, save costs, eliminate fraud and avoid bureaucracy and red tape when buying & selling goods in Latin America (also in the U.S. and Canada). You will only pay if you are 100% satisfied with the goods. And your money will always be protected.
Blockchain is a foundational technology upon which any system can operate, is a database technology that creates an auditable distributed ledger of transactions recorded digitally among a broad network of users. When used with a cryptocurrency, the Blockchain record can only be updated by consensus of the majority of the participants in a network, and once entered, entries cannot be erased. That means that it can be trusted, you are the only one writing your reputation on the UTEMIS Blockchain.
03 / EASY
A platform to do business that it is easy to use and that is secure. Where you can easily verify potential customers and suppliers’ reputation and where everything is public and on a trustable Blockchain. There are no hidden costs or surprises. No bank fees, no currency exchanges, no delays in payments, nothing. Payments are made instantaneously – and you can withdraw your payment immediately.

UTS Token Sales Information

Token Sale Info Sheet
The Company UTEMIS will be a Limited Liability Corporation incorporated in Andorra
Tokens Issued UTEMIS utility token will be issued for sale on the Ethereum Blockchain
Total Supply 200 billion tokens
ICO Soft Cap 5,000 ETH
Start of ICO February 15, 2018, 18:00 PM Central European Time
Duration of ICO Between February 15, 2018 until April 30, 2018
Minimum Contribution 0.05 ETH or its equivalent in other means
Contributions Accepted Ethereum (ETH)
Initial Preliminary Token Price for ICO 1 ETH = 1,500,000 UTS
Discounts ICO per period discounts decrease over time.
There are additional discounts for each
period that depends on the amount invested.
Token Proceeds Allocation 30% Operational Expenses including
management fees and 70% to hire a massive sales
Latin American continent
Tokens Remaining After ICO remaining Tokens will be burned by
adding them to the UTEMIS Limited Liability
Pre-ICO Period
Starts: February 15th, 2018
Ends: March 1st, 2018
Bonus: 50%
Additional Bonus for participating:
> 10.00 ETH: additional 25%
> 50.00 ETH: additional 50%
ICO First Period
Starts: March 1st, 2018
Ends: April 1st, 2018
Bonus: 30%
Additional Bonus for participating:
> 10.00 ETH: additional 15%
> 50.00 ETH: additional 30%
ICO Second Period
Starts: April 1st, 2018
Ends: April 30th, 2018
Bonus: 10%
Additional Bonus for participating:
> 10.00 ETH: additional 5%
> 50.00 ETH: additional 10%

UTEMIS team has an extensive professional experience in the banking industry. This is a team that knows the business, knows the territory, knows what needs to be done and has done it before. The Advisory Board is particularly strong in banking and in particular in payment platforms. The Country Managers are successful entrepreneurs that know how to make things happen.

Higinio Guillamon Duch
Advisory Board
MIT Sloan School of Management, mechanical engineer, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Very senior management positions and directorships, and advised major banks, insurers, technology companies and infrastructure corporations, among others: Banco Pastor (now Banco Santander), Alliance Capital Management, Santander, Aviva, CCS, QRM.
Built what was at the time the most advanced on-line banking, security custody, trade processing and card based payment system. Played a significant role in the design and development of some of the earliest real-time wholesale (interbank payment and clearing) and retail (domestic and cross border, card based) payment systems.
An investor and entrepreneur of long date, and an early Internet adopter, has participated and has ongoing interests in a number Internet ventures. Among them, some in international payment processing, ecommerce, intelligent travel reservation companies.
Nicolas De Narvaez
Advisory Board
BA & MBA, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.
TA of Mathematical Finance, Banking, Financial Modeling and Investments.
Associate Latin America Investment Banking. Goldman & Sachs.
Expert in Investment Banking for Latin America.
Investment professional at Linzor Capital Partners is a midsized private equity fund focused on Latin America with $465 mm of direct equity commitments.
Conducted business and industry analysis on dozens of investment opportunities in Latin America. Developed valuation models, led advisory teams for business diligence, and evaluated optimal financing mechanisms for buyouts and directorships.
Advisor to major banks, insurers, technology companies and governments.
Jaime Pascual
Advisory Board
Financial Management, Barcelona school of Management, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Registered European Investment Practitioner, European Financial Planning Association (EFPA)
35 years of professional experience in banking
Financial Planner at Hotelera Rio, S.A.
Finance Department, Seintex Servicio Informática S.A.
BBVA Group (a major global bank):
Credit Scoring
Head of Bank Branches for Business to Business (medium – sized and small companies)Dr. Juan 
Pablo Vazquez Sampere
UTEMIS Founding Team
MR Harvard University, MBA IE Business School and PhD, Complutense University.
An authority in Disruptive Innovation.
Frequent contributor at the Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review and Thompson Reuters.
Member of the Thinkers50 Radar (ranking of the top 30 “next generation of business gurus on Innovation”).
Shortlisted for the top Innovation thinker in 2015 Thinkers 50 award (eight candidates from the entire discipline of Innovation).
Mentor at TechStars (world’s largest startup accelerator), previous investments, Uber, AirBnb, etc. (Berlin Program).
Expert of Innovation & Technology at the European Commission.
Former External Expert at the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).
Member of Netexplo (UNESCO Observatory of Digital Technology).
Founder of two successful companies.
Member of the Advisory Board at RVE.SOL and Craft.co
Professor at two Business Schools.
Best teacher award in 2007, 2012 and 2014 (Executive Education).
Daniel Ortiz Uribe
UTEMIS Founding Team
OMP IE Business School, Industrial Designer Universidad de los Andes.
Serial Entrepreneur.
Founder of three successful companies:
Segurofacil.com (successful exit in 2015)
Mentor at Connect Bogota region.
Raised 2 VC series of over US$1 Million.
Master on Scale ups.
Member of the advisory board of www.tullanta.com
Walfredo Dantas
Country Manager – Brasil
BA in Public Health, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.
Postgraduate education on managing people and institutional relationships.
30 years of experience in entrepreneurship, previous successful ventures:
Group Xique-Xique, in the hospitality industry (chain of restaurants)
Milenar Assessoria Eirele (group of financial adivsors)
Llum Gestão (energy industry)
Marafolia Promocões e Eventos Ltda, that has had events of up to 3,500 people.Luis Tinajero Michel
Country Manager – Mexico
BBA Tecnológico de Monterrey México & MBA Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina.
Previous experience includes:
President of the Innovation Committee at the American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico
At Actinver Banco:
Chief Operations Officer (COO).
Director of New Products.
Director of Quality Management.
Director of Online Channels and Financial Products.Pablo Uribe Villa
Country Manager – Colombia
MBA at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business.
Experiences includes global consulting firm A.T. Kearney, worked for the Mexico City and Bogota offices. Participated in and led engagements in the energy, aerospace and microfinance industries and public sector. Participated in three engagements supporting the development of joint ventures and consolidating new business models.
Senior Project Manager at “Compartamos con Colombia” (2008 – 2013): Nonprofit that provides consulting services to the social, private and public sectors in Colombia. Focus included Non-profit organizational strengthening, CSR and economic development. At CCC Supported the organizational design and consolidation of Impact Investment Fund, INVERSOR – First impact investment fund in Colombia.
Mentor of entrepreneurs in Colombia, Mexico and the United States.
Tony Codina
Core Technology Team
BA in engineering.
15 years of experience as a coder developer.
Has implemented the technology infrastructure in more than 100 companies.
Specialist in SEO.
Has managed a team of over 20 people.
Francisco Denia
Core Technology Team
BA in computer science with a specialization in SMX.
Specialist in multiplatform development environments.
Specialist in PHP, JS, HTML5.
Developed for iOS and Android.
Developer of multiplatform apps in Python.

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