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Akroma is a cryptocurrency and application development platform focused on creating a governance model that will reward long-term, sustainable development and design.
Masternodes are a common second layer solution to adding features to a blockchain based network. The Akroma project intends to use this layer of masternodes to power developer and development related features. These features often require greater levels of computation,storage, or availability. As such, an incentivization system has been built into the core Akroma protocol that rewards those that host masternode servers with AKA.
One of the first development features that we plan to add, once we have the second layer of nodes, is the concept of Oracles. Oracles are systems that provide data to smart contracts. The goal of an oracle network is to develop a feature that developers of smart contracts can trust enough to access the results of the data provided to them as it will often be the catalyst for moving tokens. Oracles are a very new concept and there are multiple ways to implement Oracles. Oraclize and ChainLink are two unique implementations. As we develop the Akroma oracle offering, we expect both of these to be seen as competitors and also compatible with the Akroma project.
Akroma is focused on finding solutions to two main problems facing decentralized application development platforms. The first is to create a sustainable governance model around this new network that avoids the trappings of genesis block allocations, pre-mines, and ICO fundraising as all these methods incentivize founders and early adopters to “pump and dump” and move onto the next project.
Using lessons learned from Dash, ZCash, BitShares and EOS, we believe that we can build a governance model that supports long term sustainability for the Akroma project, while still rewarding early adopters.
With a sustainable governance model, we can focus our efforts on often underrepresented areas of cryptocurrency projects, that include: design, usability, adoption, and application development.
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