Hello TurboTrix Community!

We are happy to announce our STAKING and LIQUIDITY MINING/FARMING now LIVE on Tosdis Platform. A total of 40,000,000 TTF have been allocated for staking and 60,000,000 TTF tokens allocated for liquidity mining or farming rewards for a period of 3 months starting 6th July to 6th October 2021.

In this guide, we have 3 major sections

· How to stake TTF tokens to earn rewards.

· How to unstake your TTF tokens from pool.

· How to provide TTF/BNB liquidity on Pancakeswap to get your Cake-LP tokens for yield farming rewards.


Steps on how to easily STAKE TURBOTRIX TTF and earn rewards using your Trust Wallet or metamaskšŸ‘‡

What you need

· A BEP-20 compatible wallet like Trustwallet, Metamask, TokenPocket etc

· Some TTF or TurboTrix tokens

· Some BNB (BEP-20) tokens for gas fees.

1. Click and copy this link:

2. Open Trust wallet and navigate to the Dapps. Paste the link into the dapps browser address area on top and enter to open Tosdis staking platform.

3. Click on the Ethereum logo on top of the app and change it to Smart Chain or click on the Binance logo on the top right hand side. Click on connect wallet icon and select Trustwallet to connect your wallet.

4. You will see Public pool, Verified pool and Closed pool, click on Public Pools and a pop up warning will appear and click accept. Scroll to the TTF pool page.

5. Click approve. Confirm.

6. Click stake.

7. Select stake amount of your TFF balance in your wallet and then click Stake.

8. Wait few seconds about 10secs for transaction to be confirmed. Click ok

After these steps your TTF rewards will automatically accrue!

You can stake and unstake anytime to harvest your rewards. Video tutorial:


Steps on how to easily UNSTAKE TURBOTRIX TTF using Trustwallet.

What you need

· A BEP-20 compatible wallet like Trustwallet, Metamask, TokenPocket etc

· Some BNB (BEP-20) tokens for gas fees.

1: Click and copy this link:

2: Open Trust wallet and navigate to the Dapps. Paste the link into the dapps browser address area on top and enter to open Tosdis staking platform. Click on the Ethereum logo on top of the app and change it to Smart Chain or click on the Binance logo. Click on connect wallet icon and select Trustwallet to connect your wallet.

You will see Public pool, Verified pool and Closed pool, click on Public Pools and a pop up warning will appear and click accept. Scroll to the TTF pool page.

3: Click “Unstake” Button in pool

4: Type in Token Amount to unstake and click unstake

5: Confirm transaction in your Trustwallet

6: You can see your reward


Steps on How to Farm TTF or earn TTF liquidity mining rewards on Tosdis

1. You would first of all need to provide liquidity TTF/BNB on Pancakeswap to receive your Cake-LP tokens which you can stake on Tosdis to earn mining rewards in TTF.

What you need

· A BEP-20 compatible wallet like Trustwallet, Metamask, TokenPocket etc

· Some TTF or TurboTrix tokens

· Some BNB (BEP-20) tokens for providing TTF/BNB pairs and gass fees

Step-by-step guide

First of all, you will have to provide some liquidity on Pancakeswap. To do that, go to and connect your wallet.

Then follow these steps:

1. Click on “Add Liquidity”

2. Leave BNB as input number 1

3. Select TTF as input number 2 by pasting the TTF Token Smart Contract Address 0xa898df02906d40ec81900b3a5ba36ea20d09b7cc

4. Select how much of each token you want to put for liquidity, but remember that their value (in USD) has to be the same:

5. Approve the pool if you haven’t already, and then click on “Supply”

6. Wait for the transaction to be approved, and you will receive an amount of TTF/BNB liquidity tokens (named CAKE-LP) equal to your share of liquidity.

Now that you have your CAKE-LP tokens in your wallet, you can go to and make sure you have connected your wallet and also selected Binance Smart Chain:

Go to Unverified Pools and look for TTF Pool.

Then follow these steps:

· Approve the Pool

· Click on Stake button, and select MAX

· Confirm the transaction (make sure you have enough gas to pay for it)

· Earn free TTF tokens! Our pool has insane APY! (The APY is adjusted according to the size of the liquidity pool)

Congratulations, you can now start earning TTFs each block!

General Warnings on Liquidity Providing

In order to provide liquidity you always need to provide the same value of both tokens. This means that if you want to put a liquidity worth of 100 TTF tokens, and let’s say, it’s worth 20$ at that time, you also need to provide 20$ worth of BNB tokens.

While providing liquidity you have to understand the phenomenon of impermanent loss. Impermanent loss happens when the price of your tokens changes compared to when you deposited them in the pool. The larger the change is, the bigger the loss.

So why do liquidity providers still provide liquidity if they’re exposed to potential losses? Well, impermanent loss can still be counteracted by trading fees. In fact, even pools that are quite exposed to impermanent loss can be profitable thanks to the trading fees.

While we have a large amount of TTF tokens reserved for the liquidity mining program, these rewards will be distributed among all liquidity providers that are staking, so the APY and rewards will change accordingly.

Final note: the larger the liquidity, the healthier the market. This means less volatility on each trade, with the risk of impermanent loss decreasing drastically.

TosDis’ webapp integrates with 4 of the wallets that are compactible with PancakeSwap, you will need to use one of these wallets to stake your LP tokens to get TTF rewards:

  • Metamask
  • Trustwallet
  • Mathwallet
  • WalletConnect

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